While linking to other resources and content is wise and can help your SEO, the inverse is true as well. Aside from aggravating your users by sending them to a page that doesn’t exist, these broken links can also hurt the validity of your site and content.
Full vs Partial Website Redesign It’s important that we get on the same page about a website redesign because they come in a few different forms. A complete website redesign means we are talking about starting from scratch. This is not only a different look and feel but very likely new imagery, copy, and functionality.…Keep…
My best WordPress website tips for photographers and visual artists that will help boost SEO and optimize users’ experiences.
Let’s talk ADA compliance, shall we? Most of us know it in the context of businesses that we frequent in-person… places with wheelchair accessibility or other accommodations for people with disabilities and the like. Those considerations seem obvious when you stop to think about them. But how do you get a website to be accessible?…Keep…
I’ve returned from my (unintentional) blog hiatus, ready to start 2021 strong! Fresh content to help WordPress clients is locked in, and of course, the kids will have their moments, too. So happy to have a fresh start!
The Differences Between Web Designers and Web Developers and Why Both Matter It’s no secret that I love WordPress and how easy it is to manage your website content on a day to day basis with it. The ability WP provides to make customizations and implement new features means you don’t have to know HTML…Keep…