Website Insurance: Essential Package

From: $100.00 / month

On a weekly basis, CLC will: Update WordPress core files Update WordPress plugins Perform full site backups (files and database) monthly Monitor your website through Google Search Console Perform a visual validation to ensure site is functioning after updates Employ security strategies including brute force protection, file change detection and malware scans Should any incompatibilities arise during updates, fixes and patches will be completed for an additional charge and will be discussed before any work takes place. Looking for an all-inclusive plan? Check out the Ultimate package which includes fixes for incompatibilities at no additional charge.


Website Information

  • Website URL *

    Please provide the URL to the website you would like insured. If you’re insuring a WordPress Multisite, please include the just main URL for the network.

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Your website was created using WordPress, which requires regular software updates that address known vulnerabilities. The most common method for hackers to gain access is through outdated files. By keeping your core files, plugins, and other files up to date, we can keep your site safe and running at an optimum level. This service also provides extra security layers to prevent bad actors from accessing your files. We’ll limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per user with WordPress brute force protection and also keep an eye out for any malevolent file changes with email alerts showing any recent changes.

In addition to proactive security, it’s also important to create regular backups, in the event that the site is ever hacked or your hosting fails, as well as perform regular database cleanups. This maintenance will keep your database lean, boost website load times, and ensure that your visitors have a superior user experience.

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Billing Term

Monthly, Annually