Fun times with Great People
Fun times with Great People
I’m always looking for a good excuse to try new recipes and Valentine’s Day seemed like the perfect occasion
I hear California is entering official drought status. Meanwhile, here in Udine… So I turned 31 this week and Udine celebrated the occasion with buckets of rain…like sheets of it. I even tried to take a photo of these torrential downpours but the rain was so solid, that it was hard to see individual drops—…Keep…
2014 is almost here and obviously, I took a bit of a blog hiatus since mid-September. Being home in California kept me busy, trying to grow a new business and all. I was fortunate in that I was able to make the most of my time at home in that regard. I didn’t get to…Keep…
Today is my parents’ anniversary. 31 years ago today, they said ‘I do’ and decided that for better or worse, they were going to spend their lives together. They raised three kids, making sure we always had what we needed, whether it be moral support, new spikes for baseball/softball, help with homework, or just general,…Keep…
I’m 30 years old today. I don’t feel any older. Quite frankly, I kinda lost track of my age after college…like when someone would ask how old I am, I’d have to pause for a minute, remember the answer is no longer 23 and do a quick calculation. In honor of my three decades, I’ve…Keep…
Finally got the photos working! A visual of our trip home. Also, if anyone in Dave’s family is in Witness Protection, now is the time to let me know so I can remove your existence from the photos 🙂 click image for gallery
Oh hey 2013, nice to meet you. So I’ve been a bit delayed in getting a recap of our trip home together. Mostly because I forgot my good camera at my parent’s house {sniff} and with it, all the photos I had taken. Luckily for me, I can remotely control my parents’ computer back home,…Keep…
Well, we made it to the United States. It was a looooong day of travel, but we made it. It started with a 4am wake up that was partially due to the excitement of going home and partly because I wanted to make sure we had everything together well before we walked out the door…Keep…
Dave and I went on a Christmas decor photo-taking adventure on Sunday night. The Marché de Noël was in full swing in the Esplanade, with these tiny log cabins set up for each vendor to display their wares. I tried to take photos but it was so incredibly crowded, which was surprising to me because,…Keep…