Joyeux Noel

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Dave and I went on a Christmas decor photo-taking adventure on Sunday night. The Marché de Noël was in full swing in the Esplanade, with these tiny log cabins set up for each vendor to display their wares.

I tried to take photos but it was so incredibly crowded, which was surprising to me because, A) it was Sunday night and B) it was flat cold! My night photography needs some serious work because we came home Sunday night, reviewed the pictures I took and promptly deleted about 80% of them due to blur. So we decided to read the instruction manual that came with my camera.

Go figure.

I went out tonight to let Dave have the house to himself for a bit for some quality reading (I hear info on root-stocks is really riveting) and with my camera in my hand and fresh knowledge of how the heck to work it in my head, I retraced my steps to take photos of all the holiday decor in and around town.

By the time I arrived around 8:30pm, the Marché de Noël was already closed up for the night, but I was pretty happy with the photos I got, so I suppose that just means I’ll have to go out and practice some more!

I walked around the Comédie and the Polygone (the mall) and in and around the streets of Montpellier, trying my best to look as Ansel Adams as possible.

Here’s what I came up with:

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