desk scene

Ruminations about life, work and being a #bosslady

Work Life

  • Lucky #7

    Lucky #7

    August 12, 2012 was the day I “went live” on this venture, not sure what it would bring. Dave and I were headed to France, about to embark on a two-year European adventure where I wasn’t allowed to work, so I needed something to keep me busy (and to keep me from eating allll the…

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  • Putting Pen to Paper

    Putting Pen to Paper

    Though I haven’t had a chance to work on much lately, I used to be an avid scrapbooker and I still have all the supplies to prove it. I first started in middle school and a big part of my layouts was the journaling. My OCD tendencies made it such that each event (because an…Keep…

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  • Twenty18


    Happy New Year! Back from holiday and feeling refreshed, ready to tackle the year. No goals, just hopeful for lots of love, laughs and life. Bring it on, 2018!

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  • Prioritizing


    I think motherhood is (among other things) one giant lesson in prioritizing. We are staring down the barrel of fall and I have no idea what happened to spring and summer. Most of the past few months have been spent figuring out how to balance motherhood and work; just for funsies, we threw in buying…Keep…

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  • Website Launch | Gordon Lustig Music

    I can’t believe 2015 is already here…January has flown by, thanks to some exciting projects both this month and on the horizon! Last week, I launched a new site for Gordon Lustig, a musician and teacher who has composed and arranged a ton of songs, some of which you may have heard on television!

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  • 2015


    Happy New Year! Here’s hoping everyone has an incredible 2015!

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  • Colleen LeMasters Creative | Redesign

    Notice something a little different around here? Yep, it was time for a makeover and with a couple of milestones to celebrate, I figured it was time for a sizable redesign. If you’re a regular blog reader, you’ll notice that the web address is different and the blog is now living on my Colleen LeMasters…Keep…

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  • Website Launch | Blue Vines Photography

    Photographer Roger Elliott was in need of a website with a storefront to showcase his work. He requested something clean, allowing his photos to really pop, with subtle nods to his Kentucky roots. Having previously designed his logo, we took the project a step further with the website. View site

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  • So much better than a Star Stage Microphone

    I’ve been doing some voice over work as a side gig lately and the client sent over some recording equipment, since I have none in my current environment. After spending an afternoon figuring out how it all went together, I think I’m set. It is also way more professional than my old Star Stage Microphone……Keep…

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