Notice something a little different around here?
Yep, it was time for a makeover and with a couple of milestones to celebrate, I figured it was time for a sizable redesign. If you’re a regular blog reader, you’ll notice that the web address is different and the blog is now living on my Colleen LeMasters Creative website. I went back and forth with the idea of combining my work and my personal blog, despite it making a huge amount of sense from a technical standpoint. But in the end, I figured it was the right move, because it’s me. All of it. The blog, the business…it’s all intertwined anyway, so why not make life a little easier on myself?
Regular readers might notice a few more postings about what’s going on in my design life, like how Colleen LeMasters Creative is celebrating its two-year anniversary (ok, ok…technically the website launched July 31, 2012, but I consider my business anniversary September 6, 2012, because that was our first full, official day in France and when I began focusing on the business full-time). And, for any clients who might be passing through, I decided to take the “what you see is what you get” approach. This is me; if we work on a project together, isn’t it nice to have a sense of the person with whom you’ll be working?
I mentioned a couple milestones. The second milestone is that this September also marks SIX YEARS since I started my blog. If this blog was a child, it would be in first grade. I think I just blew my own mind.
I’m grateful for it all. I look back at some of my old posts and feel lucky that I have what I was thinking and feeling in those moments documented (like this gem from when we first arrived in France).
The time for a redesign also seemed appropriate as we get ready to close the chapter on our living in Europe. It’s been quite the experience, but Dave and I are both definitely ready to get back to the United States and get going with the next phase of our life, which includes a wedding (though I literally have no details to give, ugh). Our tickets are booked and we’ll be stateside in time for Thanksgiving, which is even better news.
In the meantime, take a look around the new site and expect some fun posts from the last few weeks in Italy.
P.S.- I also made the decision to get rid of my Facebook profile, in an effort to increase productivity. In a shocking turn of events, it worked. I still have my business page up and running, which is where new blog posts will go. If you’d like to stay up to date on new posts, you can either like Colleen LeMasters Creative on Facebook, or subscribe here and you’ll get an email whenever a new blog post goes up.