We interrupt this (unintentional) blogging hiatus to bring you some breaking news: Colleen LeMasters Creative turns 7 today!
August 12, 2012 was the day I “went live” on this venture, not sure what it would bring. Dave and I were headed to France, about to embark on a two-year European adventure where I wasn’t allowed to work, so I needed something to keep me busy (and to keep me from eating allll the baguettes and cheese). I hatched a plan to design and code websites which was something I’d always loved doing. Working with American clients meant I wasn’t in violation of my tourist visa. It made sense. I was nervous about making sure my clients knew they’d be a priority, despite a nine-hour time difference, let alone finding clients that were willing to work with someone so far away. I waded through so many Craigslist ads that it was scary, only to have about one out of every 100 reply.

Now here I am, seven years later, still doing what I love. I didn’t even realize how much I would love it, or what a perfect fit it is for the life I wanted, in which I could make my schedule to accommodate what’s best for my kids. I’m pretty damn lucky.
All of this wouldn’t be possible, though, without a little (a lot of) help. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have a supportive husband who gets it when I need to work a few extra hours at night and parents who are willing to take care of my kids so I can work without worry for their care. There is no better feeling than knowing that they are being looked after by people who love them as much as I do. And, now that my son is in preschool, I’m lucky that the feeling has been extended to his teachers there.
Honestly, the peace of mind that comes from knowing your kids are safe and loved when they aren’t with you is really invaluable. It allows me to fully focus on work during the day and be a better mom to them.
I’m lucky to have amazing clients, who trust me with their online worlds and communication needs. I’m forever grateful that they select me to work on their projects, allowing me to sustain this business that truly fulfills my professional side.
I can’t believe it’s been seven years since I started. Wowsa. I’m feeling grateful, proud and excited for what’s coming up.