Today is my parents’ anniversary. 31 years ago today, they said ‘I do’ and decided that for better or worse, they were going to spend their lives together. They raised three kids, making sure we always had what we needed, whether it be moral support, new spikes for baseball/softball, help with homework, or just general, overall cheerleaders at our various sporting events and life achievements.
They put us through college together, and got us on our feet once we had our diplomas. They supported each other, showing the three of us kids what it’s like to have a solid foundation on which to build a lifetime of happiness. They illustrated the importance of that solid foundation on occasion; like the time my dad brought my normally-clean-cut brothers home with shaved heads the day we were to leave for a family vacation, bringing my mother to tears; or any of the times when my mom comes home with a new tablecloth to add to her excessive established collection.
Today, I’m taking the time to tell them that I love them and to thank them for all that they’ve taught me.
They finally have the house to themselves (for now anyway— that place is a revolving door of us kids) and I hope they get to do something special to celebrate all they’ve accomplished together in their 31 years of marriage. I hope it involves delicious food. I’m fairly confident it will involve good wine.

Here’s to you, Mom and Dad. Happy anniversary!