The random stuff that comes to mind that you may or may not wanna know
The random stuff that comes to mind that you may or may not wanna know
Simple. Makeshift clothes dryer. A pair of jeans took 60 minutes. That makes me happy.
Dave and I went exploring and hopped the train to Nimes this afternoon. The Jardin de la Fontaine was awesome. A perfect chance to capture today’s photo: a smile. Only we doubled it. Two smiles in Nimes it is! And, to boot, this smile came after climbing all the stairs up to the top of…Keep…
With November already upon us, and me spending a great deal of time on Pinterest (but seriously, they PAY me to do this!) a few days ago, I came across this pin: So I decided, what with November having 30 days and all, I would start it up and give it a whirl. And with…Keep…
Every girls needs a hero. Someone in a metaphorical cape to rescue her from some precarious situation. I found mine a few weeks ago when I was sitting perched on a forklift, stalled out and staring at a large macro bin of grapes that somehow needed to get from our cold room at work to…Keep…
This is all been floating around in my head for a while, with no time to actually post it until today… a cup of coffee on my desk on the morning of a 2 (big) event day a little teamwork, for which I am grateful. dinner at the end of a long day getting gelato…Keep…
Wow. I really have no concept of time, apparently. Today is Wednesday, right? decompression sessions, that may or may not involve wine watching 7+ hours of baseball on my one day off (thanks to the SF Giants for pulling it out in the 12th last night to make staying up to watch worth it) and…Keep…
It’s clearly the busy season in my life because I totally forgot yesterday was Monday. Yep, just straight lost track of the days. Awesome. Sunday Monday dinner at my parent’s house (see? I still can’t keep the days straight. Oy) My morning cup of coffee. Being able to sit down and drink it in the…Keep…
I might be a day late but I’m not a dollar short–this should be a solid post. A more in depth version will be coming shortly, I’m still sorting through all of the pics! The look on Kate’s face when she opened her door to see me standing there. Priceless. Shopping with the girls on…Keep…