Tra-la, tra-lee!

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Today is my birthday lucky me!

OK, technically it was yesterday but I was far too busy celebrating to blog. Sorry, it’s the truth.

Celebrations began on Friday night, with my first trip to the Quarter as a New Orleanian. We dined at Crescent City Brewhouse, which was a great mix of New Orleans cuisine at a decent price. After the meal, our group, of about 17 or 18, headed to Pat O’Brien’s, because you haven’t had a trip to the Quarter without going to Pat O’s, so I have been told.

Anne bought me my very first hurricane, which was tasty but a little too sweet. But I could totally see why those are dangerous drinks!

Anne also doubles as my baseball roadtrip roomie
Anne also doubles as my baseball roadtrip roomie
Leeann, me and Marley at Pat O's
Leeann, me and Marley at Pat O's
Wendy and me holdin down the Pat O's patio
Wendy and me holdin down the Pat O's patio
Nothing says 'happy birthday' like yeager- blech!
Nothing says 'happy birthday' like yeager- blech!
Mike is my baseball team yoda
Mike is my baseball team yoda

After we hung around the patio area for a bit, the cold got to us and we headed inside to the Piano Bar, where they had two pianos going and they were singing/playing songs everyone could sing along with, which is always eventful in an establishment that serves adult beverages!

Nancy and me at Piano Bar
Nancy and me at Piano Bar
Kevin was also kind enough to serve as my driver for the evening
Kevin was also kind enough to serve as my driver for the evening
Me and Bean
Me and Bean
TCG and MCL- it's an initial thing
TCG and MCL- it's an initial thing
Caitlin and the man who plays the silver platter at Piano Bar. (yes I said silver platter)
Caitlin and the man who plays the silver platter at Piano Bar. (yes I said silver platter)
After our crazy week, JP and me totally earned our drinks Friday night
After our crazy week, JP and me totally earned our drinks Friday night

Since it was only Friday night, I had to wait until midnight to officially turn 26, and as it crept closer and closer, we all kept checking our watches. Finally, with 10 seconds left, the countdown to midnight (and 26) began.

The moment the clock struck midnight, after we all counted down
The moment the clock struck midnight, after we all counted down
Wendy and I sharing a hurricane, which is a much better idea than having one all to yourself
Wendy and I sharing a hurricane, which is a much better idea than having one all to yourself
So glad Lisa rallied on Friday
So glad Lisa rallied on Friday

Post-Piano Bar, our group headed to Goldmine to dance up a storm, which Nancy and I did quite well. I also learned that I tend to dance with my middle finger down. Who knew?

Nancy and I rockin out at Goldmine
Nancy and I rockin out at Goldmine

It was definitely a top night!

I followed it up with whipping up a snackin cake for myself on Saturday. The only thing is that it totally goes against my whole trying to eat healthy, because I’m left with a giant sheet cake and I live by myself. And to make matters worse, it’s called snackin’ cake because we all just cut off a little piece as we go, thinking it’s not that much, when really we should have just had one whole piece, because after you realize how many “small pieces” you hacked off as a snack so many times, it’s way more than one piece anyway.

{sigh} It’s ok. I’ll just have to take one for the team and eat it. No sense in wasting perfectly good chocolate cake!

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