Free Bird!

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I had an amazing experience Monday night. Prior to leaving for Hattiesburg, I played Guitar Hero for the first time. It rocked. Both literally and figuratively.

Since it had been a long weekend, I decided to take a little “me time” and went to dinner with Big Metal and P-Money. We went to a hibachi place, where they make the food in front of you and do tricks with their spatulas and other kitchen tools of the like. I caught a shrimp in my mouth on the fly. All three of us did. We’re that good.

Here’s a shot of me with Big Metal at the restaurant. Which incidentally serves the BEST strawberry daiquiri I have ever had. Because who doesn’t like a strawberry daiquiri with their fried rice?

After our great meal, we went back to P-Money’s house and played Guitar Hero and Wii baseball. We rocked out first, prior to me throwing my arm out pitching in the Wii baseball game. I am not sure why I was so compelled to come set, then go through a full wind up then throw as if I were trying to break 90 on the radar guns, but I did. Then my arm was sore. Good thing I was with two trainers. I probably should have iced, but that would have been silly. Even though I probably needed it.

But check out the Guitar Hero fun:

As the night pressed on, we felt the need to complete our look with various hats. My hat of choice ws the cowboy hat. Thus the following:

This is my favorite pic, mostly because I look like I’m rockin out hard. When really I am messing up on the chords and am mad.

Big Metal did her fair share of rockin too. She’s way better than me.

It was a much-needed top night and now that I have discovered P-Money’s Wii, I can assure everyone there will be much more Guitar Hero nights!

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