Halloween Naw’lins-style

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Halloween on a Friday night in New Orleans. Not gonna lie, the idea kinda scared me. I don’t do well in crowds. Or at least driving towards them.

I left my house around 10 and spent approximately 45 minutes driving to a destination 10 minutes away. I spent the majority of the time circling, looking for parking. I was ready to hand over all my worldly possessions for a convenient spot. Unfortunately, no one was in the market for all my worldly possessions so I wound up parking about a million miles away. Ok, maybe not a million miles but I definitely walked through the entire French Quarter (Corbet called it the French-25 cents the other day and I giggled).

It took me another 45 minutes to walk to meet up with my friends. I was in boots. I rank that idea right up there with wearing not-waterproof mascara to the airport when I moved here. I shoulda taken a cab to meet everyone. I learned later that some of those streets between my parking garage and Frenchmen St weren’t exactly the safest. Not awesome.

Fast forward to when I finally arrived at my destination with all my friends. Let the fun begin. I met everyone in the middle of an intersection where my friends were hanging out with a cooler filled with adult beverages. Item of note: those roaming the streets of New Orleans can often be found carrying a “to-go cup” aka the beverage that you may have been enjoying at a fine establishment, put into a plastic cup so you can take it with you upon leaving the aforementioned fine establishment. So needless to say, open containers are not an issue. It was a like a giant block party with 20,000 of my closest friends.

Evidence of the evening:

Those 20,000 closest friends
Those 20,000 closest friends

Jem is truly outrageous. Truly truly <em>truly</em> outrageous.
Jem is truly outrageous. Truly truly truly outrageous.

Kyle captured the look of shacker perfectly here
Kyle captured the look of shacker perfectly here

So glad this pic was cropped...
So glad this pic was cropped…

And the bonus round was how I got to sleep in on Saturday since I didn’t have to work til 2:30. It pretty much rocked.

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