My tax dollars at work

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I have decided to vote via absentee ballot in Napa County in the upcoming elections mostly because I didn’t know I was moving to Louisiana until after the date to register elsewhere.

So my parents forwarded my ballot onto me and I received it Saturday (cutting it close, I know). I sat down at my kitchen table (which is still covered in miscellaneous wires, unhung picture frames and old receipts) with my ball point pen to do my civic duty.

As I was reading the instructions, making sure I followed them to a T so as to have my vote counted in California, I noticed the following:

Nice work, government agency
Nice work, government agency

I looked closely, to make sure that I was seeing things right and sure enough, the ballot called for a blue or “blak” pen. Phenomenal work on an official document that will help pick the next leader of our country. Simply phenomenal.

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