Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas! I got to see (most of) my family last night for Christmas Eve and have successfully posted all the photos on shutterfly. Here’s a few in the meantime. Hope Santa was good to everyone!

They always congregate in the kitchen
They always congregate in the kitchen
Katie and me
Katie and me
holding it down in the kitchen: Aunt Lizzie and me
holding it down in the kitchen: Aunt Lizzie and me
Technically only the two standing are my brothers but I have been known to refer to others as such
Technically only the two standing are my brothers but I have been known to refer to others as such
Me and Megan
Me and Megan
Ted and Uncle Possum
Ted and Uncle Possum
My brosefs
My brosefs
The fam
The fam
Me and the boys
Me and the boys
CC, me and Megan
CC, me and Megan
My dad and me
My dad and me

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