When worlds collide

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I haven’t had anything entertaining happen to me lately, other than the shopping trip Anne and I went on whilst in Houston. We went to the Galleria, which is ridiculously large (I have been to the devil’s playground that is the Mall of America and the Galleria might rival it, if only in the number of shops intended for fancy people’s wallets and not mine.) The entertaining part was when we went into Express and decided to not wander into the dressing room but try the sweaters on right over our clothes. Yep, we’re those people.

So we hooked our purses and bags to the end of the racks and tried them on. Sadly, there was a very lovely sweater but it didn’t fit me, so I had to put it back. We gathered our packages and as we proceeded to next section of the store, Anne situated her bags and noted that she had grabbed the sign that also hung on the end of the rack, touting the 30% off winter wear and had been carrying it around with her. Oops. We had a good giggle at that.

We moved on and headed for the next store and as I shifted bags in my hand in the middle of the mall (I had been terribly productive at Gap and Limited), I thought to myself, self, what kind of store bags their clothes in bags with wire handles that begin to cut off circulation after while? That is a horrible idea. Turns out, no store does that. They save the wire handles for their signs touting discounts, much like the one that Anne had accidentally picked up. I had picked up the one on the rack next to the one that she picked up. Oops.

Anyway, the actual purpose of this post was to alert everyone to my craziness, as the following will illustrate.

I haven’t been getting a ton of sleep lately and quite frankly, can’t remember the last time I slept in until my body naturally woke up. That makes me sad just re-reading that previous statement. Alas…

So I had every intention of getting to bed early last night, which of course didn’t happen because I needed to try and get my house in some sort of order. I currently have no dresser and in a dresser’s place, I have boxes with clean laundry stacked on them, so I attempted to hang everything up last night but you can’t really hang ankle socks, so a pile remains. Thus, I got to bed around 11:30 which was about an hour and a half past my goal time.

But I must have really been tired because here’s the dream that I had:

I was in New York, in that place where they film the Today Show (one might call it Rockefeller Plaza) but we were on the Plaza. They had the area roped off and fans were lined up against the railings and we were playing one of our baseball games. And our shortstop, who happens to be a stolen base leader, had just scored. Now, in real life, when our team scores, our fans break into a cheer. It’s not a fight song, perse, but it is tradition. But in the dream, after crossing the plate for the run, the fans started to chant “chicken in a biscuit” which happens to be the kickoff chant at NHS football games.

I think I’m losing it.

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