The beach, some beer and a bikini…

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…or two…or eight. Subtitled: The Athletics Staff Goes to Perdido Key

I can’t believe it took me this long to discuss the fact that I (again–yay!) went to Florida for a mini-break. Promptly at 5pm on Friday, some of the girls hit the road to Perdido (CA-readers: think Pensacola) to meet up with the other half of the Perdido Crew, who had the pleasure of departing Thursday night.

Now, before I get into the joy that was Perdido, I think I must do the car ride to Perdido justice. And by justice I mean it’s time to discuss what went down on said car ride. Because I had never been to a Sonic, it was determined that I must try it because, let’s face it, who doesn’t like tots? So, Wendy busted out her iPhone and began searching for the Sonic nearest the *lovely* city of Theodore, Alabama. (You too will call it lovely. Read on.)

We drove a while and according to the iPhone, the Sonic was supposed to be in a building that most closely resembled a bail bonds store. I’m not entirely sure that was the function of the building, but they coulda fooled me.

So we call on Lola (my GPS) and Big Metal found us another Sonic down the road. We pulled in ordered up, sitting outside of the car for a bit, waiting for our food. Whilst waiting for our meal, we notice a dark-colored sedan with rims, idling in the area of the gas station where one might check the air in their tires. Thinking nothing of the sedan, we wait patiently for our food, chit-chatting. Then, an old beater of a truck pulls up and we witness what we can only determine to be a drug deal. Phenomenal.

Fast-forward to the end of the trip when we think we should probably use the restroom before we get back on the road. We promptly discover there is no toilet paper in said restroom. So Wendy goes in search of toilet paper. She returns, one roll in hand, and informs us that we must return the roll to the cashier because she practically had to give them her license in order to obtain TP. Really, people??

Shaking our heads in disbelief, we rotate in an out of the bathroom and return the roll, only partially kidding when we ask if they are going to charge us per square used.

Then we get in the car and continue our journey. We finally arrive around 10:30 and wind up just chattin’ away until finally at 2am we decide we have a big day of nothing but lounging going on so we had better get some sleep!

Three cheers for sleeping in on a Saturday!

After our leisurely Saturday morning, we all loaded up and headed to Publix where all things delicious are housed. I think Publix is my favorite grocery store. It saddens me that they are not in Louisiana. We bought lunch and stuff for dinner because the idea of all of us showering and getting ready to go out sucked the fun out of dining at a restaurant. Then it was straight to the pool. Where this went on:

The Bean and me
Bean and me
Syd and Marley
Syd and Marley
Bean, Wendy and Leeann
Bean, Wendy and Leeann
Bean and me
Bean and me
Lisa and me
Lisa and me
Leeann demonstrates some of the quality reading time we had
Leeann demonstrates some of the quality reading time we had
The Perdido Crew
The Perdido Crew
Our weekend palace
Our weekend palace

After the sun went behind the resort building, thus putting our lounges in the shade, we simply packed up and walked 100 yards further until our toes hit white sand. Check this out:

Yea, this wasn't too shabby
Yea, this wasn’t too shabby
Lisa livin' it up on the beach
Lisa livin’ it up on the beach
Body surfing in the ocean
Body surfing in the ocean

Then we had a nice relaxing dinner and movie night with the girls was a solid night!

Sadly, I wish I had more to report for Sunday but Big Metal and I spent a good portion of it on the road back to the boot where I had a meeting at 5pm but it was still a good weekend getaway!

Ladies of Perdido Crew, if I left anything out, feel free to remind me in the comments field below. I know there were a ton of good stories that I probably forgot!

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