My next car will be a horse

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It hasn’t been an awesome 2 weeks in my auto world. First, a slight fender bender left a hole in my bumper that looked alarmingly similar to a bullet hole. In New Orleans, it’s not a far stretch, but thankfully that was not the cause. Last week, I took the car to the body shop just around the corner from my house. Since I hadn’t gotten a workout in, I figured I would drop the car off and just get my run in then, running home. I strapped on my iPod to my arm and slipped the house key, ID and debit card to pay in my iPod arm band.

It was a magnificent idea.

Until I realized that the backroads that I thought I could take were blocked by a canal and train tracks. The only other route I knew of was over the overpass at rush hour. Perfect. That wasn’t going to work so in my effort to find another route, I wound up running about five miles (that’s waaaay more than I prefer to run) out of the way, on a route that included the periphery of Zephyr Field. That’s an entire baseball stadium. Then I realized the only way home was via the overpass. On the plus side, there was so much traffic, no one was going more than 5 miles an hour so it was way safer than usual. Sorry Mom.

Not in my favor, however, was how swollen my fingers got from the heat. I couldn’t get my ring off and my fingers were tingling. Boo.

Fast-forward to Friday, when, $250 later, I had a new bumper.

Tonight, the girls and I were supposed to go out to dinner for Big Metal’s last night in Nola and the evening was also going to include some entertainment: in the form of getting our palms read in Jackson Square. Post-dinner, we went back to my car and I put the key in the ignition. I turned said key.


I flicked the dome light on.


I checked my headlights but they weren’t left on.


I tried again, coaxing the car into turning over.


My coaxing turned to threats of kicking said car.

Still didn’t work.

30 minutes later, P-Money came to rescue with jumper cables. The car turned over and P-Money offered to switch me cars so we could continue our adventure. Into P-Money’s man truck we went and we headed to find the palm reader that came recommended to us. We found no parking and before we could get out of the lot, P-Money called to tell us the car cut out at Elysian Fields and he had to enlist the help of two men off the street to help him push it to a side street.


We went to pick him up and B-Squared called AAA. She gave them the address where we were parked and the dispatcher’s response?

“I’ll be sure to rush that truck. It seems here on the map that you’re not in the safest of neighborhoods.”


Gary, from AAA seems to think it’s not my battery but rather my alternator.


On the plus side, P-Money is very handy under the hood of a car and is going to teach me to either change a battery or replace an alternator tomorrow. Awes.

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