Over a week's worth of blog material. . . settle in

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Since August is shaping up to be quite the month, I figured I should do a quick recap of the last 2 weeks in July before I’m behind even more than right now.

I suppose it goes without saying that living back in Napa almost brought my New Orleans-style social life to  screeching halt…until I started going to Chef’s Market with MTG, which is how I met my a good portion of the people with whom I have been spending my time.

It took me 27 years, but I suppose I have a pretty solid crew of adult friends now, as opposed to the multiple circles of friends I’ve always had (and still have!). I mean, I’m pretty sure that if the Tom Foolery was still open, we would totally have a team for beach volleyball and adult beverages on a Friday night. Since the sand volleyball courts are riverside, and therefore flood often, we have a team that rules at Washers and Ladder Golf instead.

We do some pretty fun stuff together, like celebrate the birthday of My Buddy (as G will now and forever be known).

The 30th was spent (mostly) in MTG’s backyard, where we BBQ-ed, played Ladder Golf and participated in shenanigans, as evidenced by the below:

The first time I had seen KK in literally months
The first time I had seen KK in literally months
This is ladder golf
This is ladder golf
Love these girls!
Love these girls!
Lisa & me. I'm pretty sure that, together, we can move mountains.
Lisa & me. I'm pretty sure that, together, we can move mountains.
Me & the Birthday Boy
Me & the Birthday Boy

We kept My Buddy’s birthday festivities going with a trip to the Rivercats game a few days later, with MTG and Matt accompanying us to watch the A’s prospects. We got helmet sundaes, which is always a good choice and had great seats that we only cost us a grand total of $26 (I ♥ minor league games!) We got to see A’s top prospects Chris Carter and Michael Taylor and Carter, I was just informed, will be making his MLB debut tonight, so that wasn’t all bad.

It's an ice cream bowl, it's a helmet AND hours of entertainment
It's an ice cream bowl, it's a helmet AND hours of entertainment
My USF sweatshirt was as close to A's colors as I was getting
My USF sweatshirt was as close to A's colors as I was getting

The Rivercats game was a lot of fun and I hope we go back again this season (that is a hint, Buddy)

Later in the week, we all got together for the last Chef’s Market of the season and decided that it was only appropriate to take photos of the last of our weekly outings to downtown Napa. These were the results that came from photos taken from our prime people-watching spot that is the lamp post in front of what used to be the First Squeeze Cafe:

MTG, Matt-don't-move-to-Bend-Mohorovich, Morgan and G, who looks less-than-thrilled that I'm taking this picture
MTG, Matt-don't-move-to-Bend-Mohorovich, Morgan and G, who looks less-than-thrilled that I'm taking this picture
Yep, I am pretty convinced that Morgan could look adorably fashionable in a burlap sack
Yep, I am pretty convinced that Morgan could look adorably fashionable in a burlap sack
MTG and G
MTG and G
My TFE girls
My TFE girls

Generally-speaking, I’m thankful I didn’t have to slow my roll now that I’m back living on the west coast and I’m extra thankful for the posse that rolls with me.

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