Yesterday I got caught up on a project and didn’t go out in search of my daily post, so today is a 2-for-1 posting.
Day 7 – Something funny
I saw this at the grocery store the other day, in the produce area with the broccoli and the cauliflower, and had no idea what it was or why anyone would want to eat such a funny-looking item.
Come to find out, it’s basically Italian cauliflower, or choux romanesco, or my favorite name, “broccoli apple.”
Day 8 – Favorite color
Since I don’t have a favorite color, but do enjoy the combined colors of produce, here we are with this image. But more importantly, I think, these colors are somewhat representative of my role in this whole moving to France thing. In truth, when we decided to move here, I was very afraid of what I would do to keep myself busy. But I’ve found that the menu-planning and making the meals each night (or most nights, anyway) is actually really fulfilling. Plus, my outings to the markets are pretty much the extent of my daily French interaction. Since I’m all by myself, I can’t rely on Dave to communicate for me and I’m forced to figure words out if I can’t find something or if I’m trying to figure out what the heckfire is in that mystery package.
Also, I love that you have to weigh the produce yourself and select the appropriate number so the machine knows how much to charge per kilo. Then it spits out a little bar code sticker and you paste it on your plastic bag and away you go. It’s just fun.