30-Day Photo Challenge ~ Days 9-16

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I’m incredibly behind with my photo challenges. But the weather here turned blah and rainy and sometimes it’s really hard to be creative with these challenges. That was, however, the purpose of doing it- the challenge of getting me out and about in the city and really exploring things around me; not just quick scans of things and places as I walk by.

It’s also really hard to not come off as a creeper taking photos of things! Luckily, I just pretend I’m a tourist.

I’ve also taken it upon myself to go out of my original order because I have some ideas in mind for a few challenges, but haven’t been able to carry them out yet, so they are getting shuffled around. In the mean time, here is a good chunk of days I missed, which I have been collected at random as I see them, over the past 10 or so days. I know I’m not completely caught up but I have some photos up my sleeve for tomorrow.

Day 9 – Nature

Fall colors against a blue sky

Day 10 – Something Old

This broom is in actual use!

Day 11 – Hands

I love it when older couples still hold hands

Day 12 – Written Words

A menu from the corner bakery

Day 13 – Movement

Even on a rainy day, the Comédie is still bustling

Day 14 – Technology

You have no idea how you’re financially handcuffed you are if you don’t have a credit card with one of these chips

Day 15 – Animals

These signs represent the cat that we can’t find, that constantly meows outside our window, day-in and day-out. Will someone please let the cat in?!

Day 16 – Something New

This neighborhood and this new house. Still getting used to it, but getting there.

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