Holiday Cheer

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Dave and I leave Saturday morning for The States. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited we are. We’ll spend a week on the east coast in NY/Maryland, then a week in California and I already have a whole list of things I want to eat and buy (shampoo that doesn’t make me smell like something from Carmen Miranda’s headdress, for instance). Mostly though, I’m just excited to see our families.

Since we’d be traveling and luggage space is limited, we exchanged gifts today and had what we call Quasi-Christmas Day when we woke up.

I made some Dutch Babies for breakfast and Dave made mimosas for us (we’d splurged on a bottle of Champagne last night…it being the end of the world and all). While I finished getting breakfast together, I had Dave cue up A Christmas Story (because, really, what’s Christmas morning without the Bumpus dogs barking in the background and the soft glow of the Old Man’s ‘major award’??)

After we cleared away the breakfast plates, we exchanged our gifts!

Dave did well with mine–I’d been looking for a new briefcase/laptop bag for a while but nothing I saw seemed right. Somehow, he found one on his own that I like and fits my computer!

I got Dave a sweater and some apple brandy he’d talked about wanting.

I took a few pictures of our gifts, but there will be no pictures of us. I’m currently in my pajamas, unshowered, with severe bedhead and sans makeup. There will be no visual evidence of this look posted on the internet. I’ll save that treat for Dave and the family members who are stuck with me while I have morning coffee.

Dave's Christmas stash
Dave’s Christmas stash
My new briefcase
My new briefcase










It was a nice, relaxing morning…until he had to mop the floors in our effort to get ready to leave for two weeks. (I cleaned up a bit yesterday but since I’m not exactly feeling 100% thanks a lot stupid cold he demanded that I save some of the cleaning for him. Clearly we’re still in the honeymoon stage of our domesticity because we still argue about chores and making sure the other person doesn’t have to carry too much of the load.)

Now we’re getting cleaned up and have some last-minute errands to run before we come home and pack for our trip home.

Just a little under 37 hours til we hit American soil. Not that I counted or anything…

Merry Quasi-Christmas Day!

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