I admit, I’ve ignored this poor blog of mine. What with the moving countries and states…I didn’t keep up. I used to blog with some semblance of frequency. Then it was maybe once a week, then once a month…That said, I’m more active on Instagram in case anyone is curious as to the latest.
It seems, on the outside, that the adventures are fewer and farther between as we settle into every day life in California; what I’m trying to remind myself is that I shouldn’t overlook the little adventures that happen here at home. It’s easy to forget to capture those moments because they seem so mundane. I need to remember that it doesn’t have to be a train ride to an exotic city to be an adventure. For now, though, I’m content to be a little less dependent on technology, in favor of enjoying these moments of being home after a two-year stint of not being here. Not dealing with a nine-hour time difference certainly has its perks; enjoying real-life FaceTime with my family and not the Apple variety on which I once relied is definitely a plus.
But of course, sometimes a girl just can’t help but take a few photos, so here’s the highlight reel from the past few weeks months:

Basically, I spent the first portion of February eating my way through the country, then sitting in a car for hours on end. I regret nothing…but did need a hearty serving of veggies and non-road food upon our arrival in California. March brought an incredible amount of sunshine to really remind us we weren’t on the East Coast anymore, as well as plenty of projects to keep me busy. April picked up where March left off and we were lucky enough to have Easter Brunch with both sets of parents around the table and a full spread of some of our family’s favorite Easter dishes.
So while I haven’t necessarily documented all these moments here on the blog for posterity’s sake, it’s just that I’m enjoying being here for them for a while.