And Then There Were Three

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Last month, we were just Colleen and Dave…this month, we are also Mom and Dad.

Luca Thomas Natali made his debut on November 1 and quickly stole our hearts. We have spent the last five days looking at Luca in wonder, amazed our hearts haven’t just burst from the amount of love we already have for him.

With sunshine pouring in our family room, Dave and I with our coffee and Luca snuggled up with us, it felt like Christmas morning.

We brought him home from the hospital on Thursday in the late afternoon and made it through our first night. There wasn’t much sleep, but not because of Luca; mostly because Mom couldn’t stop watching him, to make sure he was still breathing (spoiler alert: he was fine). There were hours of cuddles and the feelings on our first morning as a family of three is something I won’t ever forget. With sunshine pouring in our family room, Dave and I with our coffee and Luca snuggled up with us, it felt like Christmas morning.

I can’t get over his full head of dark hair and how long he is (21 inches, to be exact!) and how much he looks like his daddy!!! At any given time, at least one of his cute little hands is by his cheek, escaping from the swaddling blanket; when he is sleeping, he prefers to use it as a “headrest” of sorts, which has us cracking up. And when his eyes stare back at us as we hold him in our arms, we can’t get over the fact that he is ours.

Thank you all for the kind and congratulatory notes and calls. We appreciate them so much and are so grateful for the outpouring of love.

Luca Thomas Natali, born 11/01/2016

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