view of Cavo from the port

La Dolce Vita


  • Cooking My Way Through Italy – Friuli Venezia Guilia

    Last week, I decided to cook my way through Italy and explore the various regional cuisines of the country. This is the first of my attempts, focused on the region of Friuli Venezia Guilia. A few weeks ago, Dave and I went out to dinner at a small osteria down the street and I had…Keep…

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  • Meet Me in the Middle

    Meet Me in the Middle

    Earlier last week, I met my cousin, who lives in Venice, in the city of Conegliano…it’s about halfway between Udine and Venice and known for its bubbles. I’d been meaning to check it out and with our departure date back to the States now set, I’m having that panicky, “travel-as-much-as-possible-before-leaving-even-though-you’ll-never-cross-everything-off-your-list” feeling. But between Udine’s geography…Keep…

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  • Cooking My Way Through Italy

    As someone who enjoys cooking, I’m always looking for some new recipes to try and bonus if they are Italian, in the sense that I can find the necessary ingredients here. A few months ago, I came across this blog post titled, There’s No Such Thing As Italian Food and I was intrigued. Living in…Keep…

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  • Autumn starts

    Autumn starts

    Happy fall! I had this post all planned out and was going to post it on September 21, but I fell down a rabbit hole of web coding. It’s a thing, trust me. Today, I’m getting some work done and the bright, blue sky with plenty of sunshine is filling my windows, making me very…Keep…

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  • Celebrating Friuli

    Celebrating Friuli

    This weekend was Friuli DOC, la più grande rassegna enogastronomica regionale, or, “the largest food and wine festival in the region” and we’d been looking forward to this since we’d heard about it months ago. We didn’t, however, have any idea it would be as large as it was! Shame on us for underestimating! Each…Keep…

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  • Verona in a Day

    Verona in a Day

    Before fall officially arrives and the grapes come calling, we decided to take another day trip; this time to Verona. While it’s only three hours away by train, train times are not great, which meant we left the house at 6:30am for the 7am train. Ouch. It hurt even more when our train to Venice…Keep…

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  • Day-trippin’ to Gorizia

    When we mention to anyone that Dave is studying in Italy, most times, it conjures up images of reading a textbook from a balcony overlooking the Tuscan countryside, or squeezing in gondola rides between exams or some other romantic notion of Italy. Don’t get me wrong, I wish it could be like that. Alas, we…Keep…

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  • August in Italy

    August in Italy

    It’s already mid-August here in Italy and so incredibly quiet around town. August is vacation month in Italy— everyone takes time off and stores are closed per ferie, or, for summer holiday. It’s not uncommon for most stores (of the mom-and-pop variety, which still make up the majority of the neighborhood) to shut down for…Keep…

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  • A vacation with bubbles

    We’re back in Udine (it’s obvious we’re no longer in Tuscany on account of all the rain and thunderstorms here) and getting back into the swing of things after our mini vacation. Our getaway included lots of lazy afternoons on the beaches of Elba, some practicing of my photography and even a bit of work.…Keep…

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