The official due date is October 24, so we’ll see how that goes.
A few items of note (a.k.a., what I want to remember, but probably won’t be able to recall on my own later on):
- I’ve been feeling pretty good; a little achy at night, but otherwise just going along fine. I’ve headed back to the gym after a first trimester hiatus, when napping trumped all, and it seems to at least be helping me sleep better.
- it feels like s/he is doing some serious flips in there– like the feeling you get being at the top of the roller coaster right before you fly down. But the movement is all internal. Nothing to really feel on the outside (yet), but the other night I was laying down to go to bed, and in my effort to get situated, I felt some sort of elbow or knee or something. I was suddenly wide awake and kept trying to find it again, but the Little Bean shifted away. Yesterday, s/he took to punching me and I was forced to reprimand him/her in the soap aisle at Target. Not weird at all.
- heartburn is for real. Holy fire-breathing dragons, Batman! Anything can set me off (like toast) but then I will turn around and have Mexican food and nothing. Weird.
- I’m trying my absolute very best to not give into the salty food cravings I want so badly. So far I’m at like a 50% success rate.
- speaking of foods, if I could eat a tuna sandwich with a Clausen pickle and Lays potato chips (I’m very brand-loyal) on the side, every day, I would be so content with life. Instead, I’m devouring fruit like it’s going out of style. Watermelon is my jam right now. I’m also looking forward to the day when I can have the bacon-wrapped scallops that my brother made for my mom’s birthday a few weeks ago. Staring longingly at them, without the possibility of tasting them, was possibly one of the most painful food experiences of my life.
- We haven’t landed on any names yet. This is, in part, because Dave really wants to meet this tiny human and see what would fit best. But also because I would like to try and get a (first) name that is not already in play elsewhere in our family. Due to the sheer number of the LeMasters/Gerlachs/Natalis/Carignans, this is proving tricky. We have more girl options than boy, but not even those are narrowed down. Eventually this child will have a name, other than TBD. I swear.
- I’m incredibly thankful for the stash of maternity clothes my sister-in-law gave me this weekend. My wardrobe has increased exponentially and I’m no longer limited to two pairs of leggings and a black or white tank top. It’s fantastic!
A little over halfway there already…I can’t believe it. Since we’ve done all of nothing in preparation for this kid, we should probably get on that. This weekend might consist of registering for baby items, so for all of you moms (and dads) out there, please leave me a comment with the items you absolutely could not live without. (Or, the items that were fluff that aren’t really practical/worth it.) It would help me out tremendously!