The Result of a 4-day Scrap Bender

I scrapped for 4 whole days.

It was glorious.

Of course, I wasn’t going 24/7 but I was close. Below are the much overdue results of my long weekend. Some of the highlights in the layouts include a good portion of my time in New Orleans, specifically when the Saints won the Super Bowl, which was promptly followed by Mardi Gras. There is also the Christmas Eve travel debacle that will live in infamy. Who could forget that?

All these new layouts have been added to my gallery (doesn’t that make me sounds fancy?). I felt so productive when I saw all my creations. Then I saw that I still had Christmas 2010 and all of 2011 to go. Oy :/

click to enlarge


The Watkins-Piper Nuptials

Christmas (what little I got to celebrate)


The Super Bowl! (or, as we call it, Lombardi Gras):

Mardi Gras with Joe

My former (then-current) boss turned 40

St. Patrick’s Day in San Francisco

Weekend at the Beach House (May)

Big Metal came to visit! (July)

Morgan’s Birthday Shindig (August)


Thanksgiving Saturday